We pay attention to every detail and guarantee results that will exceed your expectations.
Our priority is your satisfaction.
Scope of work: Full fit out & furnished of 1BR apartment, 75 m². Completed and handed over in 10 days.
Scope of work: Full fit out & furnished of 1BR apartment, 60 m². Completed and handed over in 10 days.
Scope of work: Full fit out & furnished of 1BR apartment, 70 m². Completed and handed over in 10 days.
Scope of work: Full fit out & furnished of 1BR apartment, 75 m². Completed and handed over in 10 days.
Scope of work: Full fit out & furnished of 2BR apartments, 90 m². Completed and handed over in 14 days.
Scope of work: Full fit out & furnished of 1BR apartment, 70 m². Completed and handed over in 10 days.

Free repair cost estimate.
Our specialist will contact you and arrive at a convenient time. We will prepare an estimate within 24 hours and contact you.
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Premium Precision, German quality.
  • Dubai
 +971 50 472 3591
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